Upcoming ManKind Project Events
Southeast Area NWTA – Fall 2019
The date for our next New Warrior Training Adventure for the Southeast Area will be October 4th-6th, 2019.
This intensive 48 hour journey challenges Men to look at their lives in a manner they may never have before.
Are you the Next Man? Please contact our enrollment coordinator Jermaine Johnson, jermainejohnson@mkp.org, or call him at 404.491.4495
New Warrior Training Adventure - Spring 2019 Welcome New Brothers! The Southeast region of MKP USA welcomed 15 new Men into our fold this April. These Men answered the call to look more deeply into themselves, and to take the leap of faith that the 48 hour New Warrior...
3rd Annual Spirit Gathering
ManKind Project South East Area presents: 2018 Area Meeting Register Here! Not sure what it means to re-energize and touch your spirit? Listen to what these men have to say... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kgfxpYNeP0s OK, then... are you ready NOW? Register...