Movie Night!

Movie Night!

Join the Awakened Warriors Men’s Circle for Movie Night on Monday, March 31st. We will watch the documentary “Finding Joe,” about Joseph Campbell. Campbell’s work has had an enduring impact and influences the Mankind Project in many ways. Here...
Sweep the Hooch

Sweep the Hooch

Join the men of the Southeast Area, as we participate with the Chattahoochee River Keepers annual Sweep the Hooch event on Saturday, March 22nd, 2025. Your spouses, partners, and kids are invited to join us as we take action for environmental stewardship. There are...

Southeast Area Business Meeting

The Steward Council of the Southeast Area of MKP will convene our annual business meeting on Saturday, January 11, 2020 at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in downtown Atlanta. This meeting is open to all initiated Men in MKP. We encourage all Men in our region to...

New Warrior Graduation

Join us on Saturday, October 12th, 2019 as we welcome our New Warrior Brothers! These Men took the risk, accepted the challenge and embraced their Hero’s Journey on the New Warrior Training Adventure. We will gather at St. Luke’s Episcopal Church in...

Southeast Area NWTA – Fall 2019

The date for our next New Warrior Training Adventure for the Southeast Area will be October 4th-6th, 2019. This intensive 48 hour journey challenges Men to look at their lives in a manner they may never have before. Are you the Next Man? Click here for more...