In light of the ongoing public health crisis with the Coronavirus, we must postpone our April New Warrior Training Adventure in the Southeast Area. This decision was made after thoughtful deliberations and consideration for the safety of all. The Men of the ManKind Project put their energy, heart and soul into planning and hosting the NWTA’s, and this postponement has created sadness at the loss of the opportunity for more Men to join us in the vital work.
MEN! We all have our work cut out for us.
Once this health crisis has ended, and it will, we will need our MKP Brothers to lead in the inevitable societal shifts that are sure to follow this pandemic. There will be needed healing. There will be new ways of being, of interacting with and taking care of others. Men who have initiated into the ManKind Project are ready for these opportunities and challenges.
Our Core Values will form the foundation for healing our society once this crisis has passed.
Join Us!