New Warrior Training Adventure

April 26-28th, 2019
Pine Mountain, GA

“Men Are Waiting”
Men all around the world are finding better lives through the ManKind Project. If you have the means to enable more men to discover this work, please consider a contribution to the scholarship fund to sponsor the next man to the NWTA in the Southeast Region.  DONATE


I Want More Information.

I Am Ready to Register!

Do You…

– Feel as if you’re not being your best self?

– Long for support and a deeper connection with yourself?

– Feel out of integrity with yourself and/or others who depend on you?

– Repeat behaviors that don’t serve you anymore?

– Want more from life?

If this sounds like you then you are invited to this powerful, intensive weekend. For 48hrs you get to take a good look at your life; where you’ve been, where you are, what’s working and what’s not, and make changes if you feel called to do so.

The ManKind Project is dedicated to creating a safer world by building better men!!  WEBSITE

It’s important to answer these questions before you register for the ManKind Project’s New Warrior Training Adventure.

1. Are you doing this for YOU?
The New Warrior Training Adventure is for men committed to bettering their lives, healing their souls, creating community, and connecting with the world in authentic service. You are the only person who can make this commitment. You may be feeling apprehension or fear. That’s great. Something powerful and mysterious awaits you.

2. Are you ready to challenge yourself?
The Hero on a Journey has to face difficult truths about himself. He chooses to act in the face of these challenges rather than shrink back. The New Warrior Training Adventure is a Hero’s Journey… an initiation into the mature masculine. It is an intense and challenging experience. It takes commitment and courage.

3. Are you committed to your personal growth for the long term?
This training lasts 48 hours and offers you some incredible opportunities for life-changing shifts. Integrating this transformative event will take time and courage. Your growth and evolution as a man is a life-long practice. The ManKind Project hopes you will commit to your evolution.

Register Here

If you have any questions feel free to contact our enrollment coordinators:

Robert Fleitz [Call him: (910)988-0885)]
Jermaine Johnson [Call him:(404)491-4495]

These men are happy to get you registered or provide the information or tools you may need to take this journey!!!